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Life Force In the first lesson we found out that life force is the essential ingredient in any magical operation. Life force provides us with the "medium," so to say, that allows transfer by means of structural links. Magicians of all ages knew that. They taught practices to work with life force. Often these practices became so interwoven with religious practice that people were incapable of realizing the essence of the magical practice. They confounded the expression of raw life force with the specific religious practice that they used to make it appear. Quite naturally they thought it was the religious practice that caused the "miracle" to happen. From this attitude it was just a small step to the wrong assumption that only their specific religion could deliver such miracles. If miracles happened in other religious systems, they logically interpreted them as being the work of the force that opposed their religion such as the devil in the Christian religion. The "miracles" appeared no longer as results of an applied technology, but as events that only happened within their specific creed. Miracles, then, found their explanation only in terms of such a specific religious doctrine and soon became a powerful marketing tool. From this attitude it was only a small step to the arrogant attitude found in some academains and pop-scientists that denies the existence of life force all together.
The research of Franz Anton Mesmer, Karl von Reichenbach and Wilhelm Reich were gigantic steps towards our scientific understanding of the characteristics of life force. Wilhelm Reich was the first scientist who recognized that life force, or orgone (as he called it) follows the principle of negative entropy. To understand this principle, let's first explain what we mean with entropy. Entropy
is a term that appears in physics. Physicists observed that two energy
systems of different potentials end up with the same potential some
time after they came in contact with each other. We call this process
of establishing balance entropy. For instance, if you bring a hot object
in contact with a cold object, both objects will have the same temperature
after some time. One object will be colder, while the other object will
be warmer. The energy that the physicist refers to is electromagnetic
in nature, of course. The average academic physicist of our days is
still hostile to the concept of life energy. Life force operates the opposite way. If you bring an object with a high potential of life force in contact with an object that has a low potential, the object with the higher potential will draw from the object with the lower potential. The second observation that Wilhelm Reich made was the following: Organic matter attracts and holds orgone energy while metallic matter attracts and immediately repels orgone. He designed his orgone accumulators following these two principles. An orgone
accumulator is a box that has alternating layers of organic and metallic
materials. The outermost layer is organic while the innermost layer
is metallic. As a consequence there will be a flow of orgone energy
from the outside of the orgone box to the inside. The life force inside
the accumulator will become stronger and stronger. A thermometer on
the inside of the orgone box shows consistently a higher temperature.
This fact contradicts the law of entropy. According to the second law
of thermodynamics the inside of the box should have the same temperature
as the outside. Wilhelm
Reich has also made another important observation: An electroscope discharges
much faster in an atmosphere that has a high orgone potential. This
characteristic allowed Reich to measure the strength of fields of life
energy. If we consider this characteristic of life force and the fact
that the inside of an orgone box is warmer than its surroundings, we
must realize that there is an "interface" between the space time that
physics describes and life energy.
Life Force and the Mind Although magicians used life force throughout the millennia, they never became aware of the principle of negative entropy. This is quite amazing because negative entropy is the characteristic of life energy that makes magic work. Perhaps a reason for this unawareness is another important characteristic of life energy: namely that its transfer follows structural principles. From this structural transfer and the principle of negative entropy follow that we can direct life energy with our minds. At this point it becomes necessary that we begin with some practice that involves life energy. We do this practice with technological tools and with our minds. The Magical wand as an Orgone Accumulator We will now build our first "magical" tool. It is a simple orgone accumulator (orac). Later this orac can double as a magical wand. We need: 1. A copper
or brass tube, about one foot long, 1/2" to 1 inch 3/4" diameter Take the
tube and wrap it with one layer of plastic duct tape. Follow with one
layer of aluminum tape, then plastic, etc., until you have 7 layers.
The outermost layer is plastic. If you want to make it look nice, cover
the whole wand with leather or vinyl. For the experiments and practices
that follow, looks are irrelevant. |
How To See Life Force Although this is not absolutely necessary for your beginning of magical practice, it is good if you learn to see life energy. Practice #1: Hold both hands in front of you, about one foot from your eyes. Do so with a neutral background such as a wall. Have the fingers of both hands touch each other. Now very slowly pull the hands apart and see the "strings" that are still connecting the fingers that separate from each other. For some people it may take a bit of training, but it's not difficult. Practice #2: Hold one end of the wand in one hand and touch the other end of the wand with the index finger of your other hand. Slowly pull the index finger and wand apart from each other and observe the "luminating" bridge, or string. If you have seen the string, you know why I call it "luminating." Practice
#3: Same as before, but pull apart rather rapidly, up to four inches.
Chances are that you see a short emanation from both, the finger and
the wand. Now you give the mental command for the two emanations to
join into a luminating string. This is your first experience to direct
life energy with your mind Learn
How To Feel Life Energy Practice #4: Take the wand and point it to sensitive parts of your body. 1. Feel
one end of the wand with the palm of any one of your hands. To feel
the life energy, hold the palm about one inch from the end of the wand.
The feeling that you get is your individual experience. Some persons feel a tingling. Others feel a slight cool breeze. Most persons feel a gentle warmth. What you feel depends very much on what group of nerve endings respond first. The person who is kinetically oriented responds with a feeling of a tingling or breeze while the visually oriented person feels warmth. What happens in this experiment is the following: Your life energy field is stronger than the energy field of the wand. Therefore you draw life energy from the wand. When this life energy enters your body it stimulates the tactile nerve endings in your skin. You experience this stimulation of nerve endings as a feeling of warmth, a tingling, or a breeze. You have this feeling even though there is no wind or high temperature between the wand and your body. Learn How To Direct Life Force Into Your Body Practice #5: While you inhale, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While exhaling, imagine it condensing and building up in an area of your body such as your abdomen. Keep doing so for a while until you feel life energy in that part of the body. Practice #6: While inhaling, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While you exhale, imagine that the life energy leaves through your right hand. Practice #7: You may practice many variations of the two practices above. Practice #8:
Put any object in front of you. This may be a small piece of paper, a candle, a matchbook, a glass of water, or a crystal. Hold your right hand about one inch above the object. While inhaling, imagine life energy enter your body through your left hand. While you exhale, imagine that the life energy leaves through your right hand and builds up in the object. Proceed charging the object. Then stop charging and feel the life energy of the object with the palm or wrist of your hand. You may let your partner feel the life energy in the object. Your partner does the same and you feel the energy. Practice #9:
Put an object in front of you as in practice #1. Instead of projecting life energy into the object use it to build a sphere of life energy around the object. Have your partner move the hand slowly toward the sphere and feel where the sphere begins. Let your partner do the same and you feel the energy.
How To Project Life Force To Persons Practice #10: Point your fingers of the right hand toward the area between the eyes of your partner. Draw life energy while inhaling and project it into this area between the eyes. Project on other parts of the body. Let your partner do the same on you. Practice #11: Stretch your arm out and point your fingers as in preceding practice. Do NOT point toward your partner. Point anywhere else. Again you do the drawing and projecting in the rhythm of your breath. This time however you imagine the flow of life energy entering the forehead or any other body part of your partner. Then your partner does the same on you. Practice #12: Both arms are in a comfortable position. No pointing or drawing position, simply comfortable seating. Using drawing and projecting techniques, again project onto the forehead of your partner. Then change positions. Practice #13: Take the wand and point it toward the area between the eyes of your partner. Do not any drawing and projecting through your own body. Then project on other body parts. Practice #14: Proceed as in practice #2. Point the wand anywhere but focus on the body areas of your partner. Imagine the flow from the end of your wand into the body of your partner. All of
the above practices are excellent to learn the mental mastery of life
energy. What you do in every case is draw life energy from the universe
and direct it toward a person or an object. It is good to divert (in
your imagination) a bit of life energy into your own body while you
are drawing and projecting. This way you get stronger in the process.
Magicians build up energy to project it. They did so with sacrifice, chanting, emotional build up in congregations or magical groups, walking in circles, dancing, chanting, and sex magical practices, etc. In most instances they used energy that was available and accumulated it up for release in a magical operation. Animal
Magnetism Franz Anton Mesmer developed a system of healing that involves the generating of life energy. It is the system of "magnetizing." He used the term "magnetizing" because he chose the term "animal magnetism" for life energy. The practice of magnetizing is relatively simple. One person lies down, with light or (ideally) no clothing. The other person passes one or both hands over the body of the person who is magnetized at a distance of one to two inches. Lead the magnetic strokes from the extremities to the center of the body, i.e., the area of the navel: from head to center, from toes to center, from hands to center. When returning, you do so in a wide arch, sometimes shaking out the hands. If you do not visualize the energy being sent to any part of the body, then the body will send the energy where it is most needed. Magicians use the same method to generate life energy. They project it then onto a talisman or into a magical operation. Practice #15: Practice the magnetizing and feel the energy in the body. Practice #16: Magnetize and direct the energy to a specific part of the body. Practice #17: Magnetize and direct the energy from the center of the body to an object. Practice #18: Magnetize, but use your wand instead of your hands. If you have two wands available, use both wands. From
Mesmers research and other observations follows another important characteristic
of life energy: You can generate life energy by moving fields of life
energy relative to each other. This happens clearly in the practice
of magnetizing, but also in group practices such as walking or dancing
in circles. |