It is Certain that among all the Symbols which I have hereinbefore written
down there be many which one can employ for evil (purposes) ; and I avow
that (at first) I intended not to give them here at all; but thereafter
I did make reflection in myself that I was working no evil ; for often
the secret judgments of God permit disgrace, hindrances, infirmities, and
other vexing accidents to happen unto Mortals, either to awake them from
the lethargy wherein they be sunk so that they recognise not their Creator,
or else to give them an opportunity by their afflictions of increasing
their merit. And although God can in no way do evil, but always good, nevertheless
we cannot deny that occasionally He permitteth the Secondary Causes to
act. Now the Executioners and Executors of the Divine Justice be the Evil
Spirits. Whence I conclude that although it may be in no sense advisable
to work Operations for Evil, yet that there may arise, however, certain
cases which do admit of and permit the same; as (for example) when it is
necessary to save and defend one’s own life, or to avert some great scandal
or evil, or to prevent offensive acts which might be done against oneself
or to displease God and hurt one’s neigh-bour, as well as in just Wars,
and other like cases. Yet it is always best in such instances to govern
yourself accord-ing to the counsel of your Holy Guardian Angel. I have
also written these for the reason that God hath given unto Man free Will
both in merit and demerit; for, further, having finished the Operation,
if thou shouldest wish (which I pray God not to permit)* to operate for
Evil and to abuse the Grace which God hath granted thee, the Spirits would
be only too ready to give and manifest unto thee the Symbols, and will
grant willingly unto thee all that thou shalt demand of them. Concerning
this matter I repeat unto thee,-Fear the Lord, love Him, and respect His
Commandments with a good heart, and thou shalt live happy and contented
upon Earth.
If thou considerest maturely what be the essential points of this Operation,
thou shalt find that the first point is to make a firm, veritable, and
real resolution to live in a truly edifying condition of modesty, and in
retirement, as far as it shall be possible for thee so to do. For Solitude
is the source of many blessings, such as, to give oneself up to prayer,
and unto the con-templation of things Divine; to flee evil conversations
and occasions of sin ; to live in oneself; and to accustom oneself to continuing
a life of such regularity. For if one were to go to present oneself before
a King, what would one not do to appear before him with splendour and magnificence;
and what diligence and care would not one put in practice to prepare oneself
hereunto. Now we must understand that the enjoyment and vision of the Angels
of the Lord be infinitely above the Princes of Earth, who in fact are but
a vanity, a shadow, and vile dust of Earth. Now if to please these Mortal
Princes one would almost commit idolatries; what ought one not to do to
appear before the Holy Angels of God who represent the Grandeur of the
Majesty of God. Let each one hold for a thing, sure and certain that the
Grace which the Lord granteth unto us in giving us this Sacred Science
by the means and intermediation of His Holy Angels is so great that none
can fitly express it.
It is certain that having obtained this Sacred Wis-dom thou mayest
dispose of it and communicate it unto three friends; but thou must not
exceed this Sacred Number of the Ternary, for in such case thou wouldest
be altogether deprived of it. One of the most meritorious deeds in the
sight of the Lord, is to share with one’s neighbour the goods which God
hath given unto us; yet must we take note of that which God commanded unto
MosEs, when He ordered him to’give the Operation unto AARON his brother,
namely that he should receive as the Symbol of an Offering Ten Golden Florins,
the which he should distribute unto Seventy-Two poor per-sons with his
own hands, obliging them to repeat the
Psalms which I have already mentioned in the Second Book, and which
should be of the number of Seventy-Two. For if he who receiveth this Operation
should not perform this Alms, the Operation would be void of value for
him. Thou, not yet having the Authority to give it, without having received
the Ten Golden Florins, thou must act like MosEs, unto whom the Lord granted
it on this condition, for him to give it unto his brother AARON.
I have also described the precautions which we must take before granting
this Sacred Science unto any; and I repeat here that at least Six Months
should transpire during which we should frequently test, and seek by conversations
to sound, the inclinations of him unto whom we may be willing to give it;
so as to know whether he be a reliable person, and also the object for
which he demandeth and is anxious to obtain this Science. Now shouldest
thou perceive that such an one is light and inconstant, and that he hath
only vague ideas, and habits and manners which be not good, then shalt
thou temporise with him for a time, so as to bring up causes, occasions,
or pretexts, so as not to give it unto him, even shouldest thou already
have promised it to him. For it is better to undergo the displeasure of
a Mortal Man than that of an Eternal God, from Whom thou hast received
so great a Grace. I have, however, myself made trial hereof, for to my
great wonderment (once upon a time) when 1 was thinking that I was putting
it to good use in giving it unto a certain person for whom I had great
respect; God Himself intervened and did not permit my intention to be carried
out, for that person began of his own accord to wonder whether the matter
were true or no, and he doubted it much, believing that it was a fable,
and did not have an entire faith therein; and he made me comprehend by
his discourse that he was not such an one as I had thought. Furthermore
it happened that he fell dangerously ill, and I in my turn was reprimanded
by my Angel who blamed me for the choice I had made. The whole machinery
of the Universe is maintained by Faith; and he who believeth not, suffereth
the chastisement of his perfidy both in this World and in the next. I could
here say much more relating to our own selves, but as thou wilt have to
pass under the influence * of thy Holy Guardian Angel, thou wilt be sufficiently
instructed in his own good time, and by himself, concerning these matters
which be joth delicate and to be jealously guarded.t
The Evil Spirit is so subtle, so keen, and so cunning, that that which
he cannot obtain at the time of the Conjuration, he will seek, to have
on other occasions in offering thee his services. This is why the very
first action to take especially with thy Familiar Spirits, should be to
command them, never to say anything unto thee of themselves, but only to
speak when thou shalt inter-rogate them, unless it were to warn thee of
matters which concern either thine advantage or thine hurt. For if thou
dost not limit their liberty of speech they will tell thee so many and
so important things, that they will completely overcloud * thine understanding,
and thou wilt not know what to believe, so that in the confusion of ideas
they could make thee prevaricate, and perhaps fall into irretrievable error.
Never make thyself to be greatly entreated in any matter wherein thou canst
aid and succour thy neighbour, and do not wait until he demandeth assistance
from thee, but seek to know to the full his need even though it be concealed,
and give him prompt aid. Also trouble not thyself as to whether he be Turk,
Pagan, or Idolater, but do good unto all those who believe in a God. Be
especially charitable towards those who are in extreme want, prisoners,
or sick, and let thine heart be touched, and
succour them generously ; for God taketh pleasure in beholding the
poor succoured.
In the Twenty-Eighth Chapter where it is treated of the way to have
Silver and Gold sufficient to supply one’s needs on occasion ; thou must
know that the quan-tity of Gold or of Silver of which thou hast then actually
need, will be at once brought unto thee, and thou canst use it for this
occasion only. And if thou usest it not within the twenty-four hours, this
sum will disappear and thou wilt no longer be able to avail thyself of
it. Think not, however, that this Gold is but a phantasy, for if thou effectually
expendest it, and dost not endeavour to hoard the same, he who shall receive
it from thine hands can enjoy the same and expend it according unto his
desire, and the money will be real both for him and for others.
For once only mayest thou demand of thine Holy Angel the amount of
Gold and of Silver which thou shalt judge suitable unto thine estate and
conditions. My possessions were few, and I demanded of mine Angel Three
Thousand Thousand Golden Florins,* and they were granted unto me. Later
I made such good use of the Sacred Science, and I understood so well how
to augment my goods, that at the present time, after having married three
Daughters unto each of whom I gave a hundred thousand (golden forms), as
thou wilt see by the testament which I have made, I am leaving in current
money more than a Million Golden Florins, besides a large quantity of very
valuable furniture. Had I been of noble birth I might have demanded much
more and have profited less. When any one demanded of me:
“Eh! How have you managed to gain so much?” I would reply thereto that
it is a fine thing to know by certain Knowledge how much such or such a
thing is worth here, and how much it is worth elsewhere, that this year,
wheat, barley, and other crops, will be cheap in Italy, and dear in France,
etc., etc. ; and that commerce well managed, enricheth any one.
As for what concerneth the manner of treating and commanding the Spirits,
it is an easy thing unto whom-soever walketh by the proper paths; and it
is a very difficult thing for whomsoever through ignorance sub-mitteth
himself unto them. I have heard say that there be some men who pass for
being famous herein, such as a certain blind man D’AcALI, a certain BEARLI,
a PETER D’ABANO,t and many others. Ah! how many of them do but deceive
themselves! I do not say that these men did not perform extraordinary things;
but it is necessary to note their manner of working, for their Science
is imperfect, and their Authority proceedeth not from God by the intermediation
of His Holy Angels, but proceedeth directly from express Pacts made with
the Devil,* and (acteth) by means of Consecrated Books full of thousands
of Diabolical Conjurations and impious Exorcisms; in one word things which
be contrary unto the Commandments of God and the peace of men. And with
all this their Operations be destined for certain times and hours, and
finally the Demon carrieth away with him their miserable Souls, which thing
arriveth only too often. And yet it is the Science of these persons which
causeth them to pass for famous Wise Men.
In the First Book I have made mention of those whom I had encountered
in my journeyings in Europe. The true Commandment is that which dependeth
from God, and in which there is no dependence placed on any Spirit imaginable,
for in employing them, if you make unto them the least submission, the
slightest prayer, or honour, you are rendering yourselves their slaves,
and they are in no way submitted unto you. The Spirits have so great knowledge
that they comprehend very well by our actions what dispositions we have,
and understand our inclinations, so that from the very beginning they prepare
the way to make us to fail. If they know that a man is inclined unto Vanity
and Pride, they will humili-ate themselves before him, and push that humility
unto excess, and even unto idolatry, and this man will glory herein and
become intoxicated with conceit, and the matter will not end without his
commanding them some pernicious thing of such a nature that ultimately
thence- from will be derived that sin which will make the Man the Slave
of the Demon. Another man will be easily accessible to Avarice, and then
if he take not heed the Malignant Spirits will propose unto him thousands
of ways of accumulating wealth, and of rendering himself rich by indirect
and unjust ways and means, whence total restitution is afterwards difficult
and even impossible, so that he who is in such case findeth himself ever
the Slave of the Spirits. Another will be a man of Letters the Spirits
will inspire him with presumption, and he will then believe himself to
be wiser even than the Prophets, furthermore they will endeavour to lead
him astray in subtle points in matters appertaining unto God, and will
make (that man) fall into a thousand errors, the which afterwards when
he wisheth to support he will very frequently deny God, and His high Mysteries.
The causes and matters whereof (the Spirits) will make use to cause a man
to waver are infinite, especially when the man attempteth to make them
submit to his com-mands, and this is why it is most necessary to be upon
one s guard and to distrust oneself. The true Command-ment will be that
which will be given when he who commandeth shall have maturely reflected
and considered who he is in himself, and who he is who should serve and
obey him. And if a Mortal Man not having on his side the support of the
Power and Will of the Lord shall have sufficient force to command the Spirits
and to constrain them to obey him; (they, namely) who have the same virtue
and power, which God hath granted unto them, they having lost nothing hereof;
and they also being Spirits from God and herein differing from thee who
art drawn from the mire, as Gold is from Lead; and that their sin is notorious,
for the which they were chased from Heaven; figure also unto thyself, that
a Spirit which of his own nature is all vanity, would not be likely to
submit himself unto thee without a superior force (compelling him), neither
would he wish to obey thee nor to serve thee.* He who shall reflect and
reason upon these particulars will know that all things come unto us from
God, and that it is He Who wisheth and commandeth that the Evil Spirits
should be submitted unto us. If then all things depend from the Lord, upon
whom wilt thou, 0 Man, base thyself so as to be capable of thyself (alone)
to dominate the Spirits ? It is certain that such an enterprise cannot
succeed without the loss of thine own soul. Then it is by the virtue of
that God Who hath submitted them under thy feet, that thou shalt command
them, as will be precisely ordained unto thee by thy Holy Angel. “Donec
ponam inirnicos taos sca be//urn pedurn tuorurn.” “Until I shall make thy
foes thy footstool.” Also do not familiarise thyself with them ; for they
be not little pet dogs. Adopt a serious tone and an air of authority, make
them obey thee, and be well ware of accepting the least offer which they
shall make unto thee of themselves ; and treat them as their Master, also
without occasion thou shalt never molest them, and order them to execute
thy commands from point to point without adding or diminishing in any way
imaginable. And when thou canst employ Inferior Spirits (in a matter),
thou shalt in no way make thy requests unto the Superiors. Also seeing
that all have not the same powers, thou shalt take heed not to command
unto one (Spirit) a thing appertaining unto (the office of) another; and
because it would be impos-sible for me to here write down in full the quality,
virtue, and office of each Spirit, thou shouldest search this out for thyself
and sharpen thy faculties; and in the first demand which thou shalt make
unto the Four Spirits (who are) the Supreme Princes, and unto the Eight
Sub- Princes ; thou shalt demand the most skilful of the Spirits, of whom
thou shalt make a register for con-venience of the practice which I describe
unto thee in this Third Book where also thou wilt find the Symbols of many
Spirits. But seeing that the subjects of various erring humours (of mind)
and other occasions which arise daily be diverse, each man will procure
for himself those (Spirits) which be of his nature and genius and fit for
that wherein thou wouldest employ them.* And when thou shalt find an extreme
resistance unto operating, on the part of any Spirit, after that thou shalt
have given him the necessary instructions, and that he cannot execute that
which thou hast commanded him; in such case thou shalt convoke the Superior
Spirits and demand of them others which may be better capable of serving
thee in thy need. And in all cases thou shalt avail thyself of the power
and command of thy Holy Angel. Keep ever continually before thine eyes
the Fear of God; and seek to obey His Commandments, and those of thy Holy
Angel, ever retain in thine heart his holy instructions; never submit thyself
unto the Evil Spirits in the slightest degree even should it seem to be
to thine own advantage and unto that of thy neighbour (so to do). For the
rest, be certain that they will obey thee so perfectly and really, that
there will be no operation however great or difficult it may be, that thou
shalt not bring unto a glorious ter-mination ;~ the which I myself also
have done. As regardeth the service which thou shouldest render unto thy
neighbour in his necessities, thou shouldest perform it with zeal, and
in no sehse wait for him to ask it of thee, and seek also to comprehend
his needs unto the uttermost, so as to be able to take sound action (therein).
Thou shalt take heed to succour the infirm and the sick and to work for
their healing ; and see that thou dost not good works to attract praises
and to make thyself talked of in the world. Also thou mayest make semblance
of performing (thy cures) by prayers, or by ordinary remedies, or by (the
recital of) some psalm, or by other like means.
Thou shouldest be especially circumspect not to discover the like matters
unto reigning Princes; and in this particular thou shalt do nothing without
consulting thy Good Angel; for there is a certain generation which is never
contented, and besides that which ariseth from simple curiosity, these
Princes regard such (action) as a duty and obligation. Also it is a Certain
fact that he who possesseth this Sacred Magic, hath no need whatever of
them. Further they are naturally inclined to ask of thee always things
prejudicial, the which if granted by thee would offend the Lord, and if
not they become your declared enemies. Now my opinion (is that it) would
be always (preferable) to render them what ser-vices you can from a distance.
There is nothing which is so pleasing unto the Angels as to demand
knowledge from them, and for my part I think there is no greater pleasure
than that of becoming wise when one learneth from such
I both have exhorted, and do exhort unto a solitary life,* which is
the source of all good; it is true that it is difficult to accustom oneself
thereunto but once thou shalt have obtained the Sacred Science and Magic
the love for retirement will come unto thee of thine own accord, and thou
wilt voluntarily shun the commerce with and conversation of men; for the
pleasure and Con-tentment thou wilt enjoy when thou shalt be the possessor
of this Science will be so great that thou wilt despise
* Yet apparently Abraham himself led anything but a retired life, being
mixed up in most of the leading political events of his time all amusements,
excursions, riches, and every other thing however attractive such may be.
For once only will it be permissible to obtain property and goods proportionate
unto thy degree and estate; the which afterwards are to be used by spending
them liberally for thine own needs and those of thy neighbour, sharing
with him in his necessity the good things which God shall have given (unto
thee); for he who should employ these for evil ends shall render himself
incapable of obtaining from God any other grace and benefit.
The Child which one should choose for greater surety and success in
(the acquisition of) this Sacred Science should be bctrn of a legitimate
marriage, and its father and mother should be also legitimate. It should
be from six to seven years of age, vivacious, and witty; it should have
a clear speech and pronounce well. Thou shalt prepare it some time before
commencing the Opera-tion and have it ready when the time requireth. I
myself am of opinion that there should be two (children) in case of any
accident which might happen, through sick-ness, or death, or other like
(hindrance). Thou shalt gain it over to thee by giving it puerile things
to amuse it, and have it ready when necessary, but in no way tell it anything
of what it is to serve for, so that if it be questioned by its parents
it can tell them nothing. And if it be a well-behaved Child, it is all
the better. We may be certain that by this means we can arrive at the possession
of the Sacred Science ; for where he who operateth faileth, the innocence
of the Child supplieth (that which is wanting); and the Holy Angels are
much pleased with its purity. We should not admit women into this Operation.
All the clothes and other things which have been used during the period
of the Six Moons, you should preserve, if you intend to continue in the
same house wherein thou hast performed the Operation, because they be always
good. But if thou dost not intend to use them more, nor yet the Oratory,
thou shalt burn them all, and bury the ashes in a secret place.
It is now necessary to give unto thee a little light, and declare unto
thee the quality and value of the Spirits, and in what thou canst exactly
employ them with surety of success. Thou must however take note that each
Spirit hath a great quantity of Inferior Spirits which be submitted unto
him. Also I wish to say that as regardeth things base, vile, and of little
importance the Superior Spirit will not execute them, but will cause them
to be executed by his Inferiors with all punctuality. And this mattereth
not unto him who operateth pro-vided that his commands be fulfilled, and
that he be punctually obeyed.
THE Spirits of the Seraphim serve to make thee respected and loved
for works of Charity, for that which regardeth honours and other similar
things. In matters of great importance they themselves act; but for matters
base and carnal, it is their subjects who do serve and operate.
THE property of the Dominions is to dominate; to pro-cure liberty ;
to vanquish enemies ; to give authority over Princes, and over all kinds
of persons, even Eccle-siastics.
The Virtues are proper to give strength and force in all matters whether
of War or Peace; and in all Operations concerning the health of men, and
in all maladies for which the fatal hour hath not yet been written.
The Powers have the dominion over all the Inferior Spirits ; and this
is why they can serve in all things in general, good or evil, and they
are devoted unto all things in general, good or evil; and they be straight
and right in execution, very punctual, very prompt, and exact in their
THE Princes comprise Spirits capable of giving Treasures and Riches,
and they or their dependants serve in all the Operations, being a mass
composed of different Orders, and they are sufficiently truthful.
The Archangels be proper to reveal all Occult matters, and all kinds
of secret things, such as obscure points in Theology and the Law. They
serve with great diligence.
The Angels in general do operate each one accord-ing unto his quality.
There be an infinite number of them. They command the Four Princes and
the Eight Sub-Princes in all kinds of Operations. These latter * having
taken their oath, observe that which they have promised, provided that
the Operation one demandeth of them be in their power. To cause the
Spirit to re-enter a dead body is a very great and difficult Operation,
because in order to accomplish it the Four Sovereign Princes* have to operate.
Also it is necessary to take great care, and to pay heed unto this warning,
namely that we should not commence this Operation until the sick person
is really at the point of death, so that his life is absolutely despaired
of. It should be so timed as to take place a little while before the sick
person giveth up the ghost; and thou shalt carry out all that we have said
hereon in the Second Book. But on no account should we perform this Operation
to divert ourselves, nor for every class of person; but only on occasions
of the very utmost and most absolute necessity. This Operation I myself
have performed but twice in my life, namely once for the Duke of Saxonia,
and on another occasion in the case of a lady whom the Emperor Sigismond
loved passionately. The Familiar Spirits are very prompt, and they
are able to execute in most minute detail all matters of a mechanical nature,
with the which therefore it is well to occupy them; as in historical painting;
in making statues; clocks; weapons; and other like matters; also in chemistry;
and in causing them to carry out com-mercial and business transactions
under the form of other persons ; in making them transport merchandise
and other goods from one place to another; also to employ them in causing
quarrels, fights, homicides, and all kinds of evils, and malefic acts;
also to convey letters and messages of all kinds from one country to another;
to deliver prisoners; and in a thousand other ways which I have frequently
These Spirits should be treated according to their quality, and a distinction
should be made between a great Spirit and one of a vile or insignificant
nature, but thou shouldest nevertheless alway conserve over them that domination
which is proper unto him who operateth. In speaking unto them thou shalt
give them no title; but shalt address them sometimes as “you,” sometimes
as “thou”; and thou shalt never seek out expressions to please them, and
thou shalt always have with them a proud and imperious air.*
There be certain little terrestrial Spirits that are simply detestable;
Sorcerers and Necromantic Magicians generally avail themselves of their
services, for they operate only for evil, and in wicked and pernicious
things, and they be of no use soevor. He who operateth could, should he
so wish, have a million such, but the Sacred Science which worketh otherwise
than Necromancy in no way permitteth you to employ such as be not con-strained
by an Oath to obey you.
All that hath hitherto been said and laid down should suffice, and it
is in no wise to be doubted that he who executeth all these matters from
point to point, and who shall have the right intention to use this Sacred
Science unto the honour and glory of God Almighty for his own good, and
for that of his neighbour, shall arrive with ease at the possession thereof;
and even matters the most difficult shall appear easy unto him. But Human
Nature is so depraved and corrupted, and so different from that which the
Lord hath created, that few persons, if any, do walk in the right way;
and it is so easy to prevaricate, and so difficult not to fail in an Operation
which demand-eth the whole (soul of a) man in (its) entirety. And in order
not to intimidate in any way him who shall resolve to undertake this Operation,
I am about here to set down in writing the difficulties, temptations, and
hindrances which will be caused him by his own relatives; and all this
will be occasioned by the Evil Spirits so as to avoid having to submit
themselves, and humiliate themselves, and subject themselves unto Man,
their greatest enemy, seeing that they behold him in powerful condition
arriving at the enjoyment of that Eternal Glory which they themselves have
foolishly lost; and their rage is so great and their grief so poignant,
that there is in the world no evil which they be not ready to work, if
God were to permit them, they being always attracted by the idea of the
destruction of the Human Race. Therefore is it necessary to take courage
and make a constant resolution to resist in all things with intrepidity,
and to earnestly desire to obtain from God so great a Grace in despite
of men and of the Demon. Also beforehand thou shouldest arrange thine affairs
in such wise that they can in no way hinder thee, nor bring thee any disquietude
in the period of the Six Moons, during which time there will occur the
greatest possible attempts at assault and damage unto thee which the keen
and subtle Enemy will bring to bear upon thee. He will cause thee to come
in contact with evil books, and wicked persons, who by Diabolic methods
and tricks will seek to turn thee aside from this enterprise, even though
it be already commenced, by bringing before thee matters which in appearance
will seem of the greatest importance, but which really be only built up
on false (and evil) foundations. To such annoying accidents thou shouldest
steadily oppose thyselt by following out care-fully the ample instructions
which I have given thee, thus banishing them from thee with calmness and
tran-quillity so as to give no chance to the Enemy of exercising his fraudulent
tricks to interrupt thee.
Thy relations also, astonished at thy manner of life and thy retirement,
will make every effort to attempt to find out the reasons thereof.
It will be necessary to satisfy them by words full of affection, and to
make them think that time which engendereth change, also causeth men who
are not altogether ignorant persons to resolve at times to live by themselves.
This hath been the cause why so great a number of good and learned men
have retired into desert places, so that being separated from their own
relatives and from the world they might live tranquilly in prayer and orisons
to render themselves more worthy to obtain through the Grace of the Lord
a Gift so great and so perfect.
I FURTHER approve of thy possessing a Bible in the vulgar language, and also the Psalms of David, for thine own use. Some person may here reply: “I understand the Latin, and I have no need of the common language “. I answer him that when we pray we ought not in any way to embarrass the Mind by having to interpret the Psalms; for at such a moment we should be as much united as possible to God; and even the Psalms being in the vulgar tongue when one readeth them they imprint themselves better on the memory; and this is the true manner of particular prayer, if the person praying be illiterate, for in saying the Psalms in Latin he would not know what he was asking of God.
IN these Three Books we shall not find the slightest thing which hath
not a true and necessary foundation. And we should take the greatest care,
and keep ourselves as we would from a deadly poison, from commencing this
Operation at all, if we have not made a firm resolution to carry it through
unto the end. Because (in the con-trary case) some notable evil would befal
him who had (carelessly) commenced the Operation, and who would then only
too well comprehend that we may not make a mock of the Lord. Should it
happen that God by
This is the true and only Way of this Sacred Science and Magic which
the Lord hath granted unto us by His pure mercy; and is that which in Six
Months maketh us attain unto the most high and Occult gifts of the Lord
which we can think of.
This is the True Science which comprehendeth all other Sciences once
one is in possession thereof.
Oh! how many books be read among us which seem wonderful!
It is not fitting for me even to reveal a part of this Science and
its properties; and to appropriate unto myself that which appertaineth
unto a person of a great mind and so far above me.* In teaching it even,
I have far exceeded that which I should have done, in having given unto
thee the two last Symbols, but what will not paternal love and affection
do? Endeavour only to obey me and to follow out my precepts from point
to point, according to the manner in which I have given them unto thee
in writing; keeping alway the Fear of God before thine eyes. Also forget
not the slightest thing which I have said unto thee in these Three Books,
for with the help of God Who ruleth and governeth all things, and reigneth
gloriously in Heaven and upon Earth, and Whose Divine Justice shineth in
Hell ; if thou hast recourse unto Him and puttest all thy confidence in
His Divine Mercy, thou shalt obtain this Holy Science and Magic whose power
is inexpressible. Then, 0 my Son! and Whosoever may attain thereunto; remember
to praise and glorify the Lord, and to pray unto Him that He may be willing
to deign and accord unto me His Holy Glory, the place of veritable rest,
whereof to me while yet in this Valley of Misery He hath granted a large
share through His Goodness and Mercy; and I pray the Lord also that He
may be willing to grant it unto thee also with His Holy Benediction, and
unto all those who by thy means will arrive at the possession of this Sacred
Magic, and who will use it according unto His Holy Will.
May God deign, say I, to grant unto such all tem-poral goods, and a
good Death in His Holy Kingdom!
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