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To cause all kinds of Books to be brought to one, and whether lost or stolen.

(1) For Books of Astrology.

(2) For Books of Magic.

(3) For Books of Chemistry.


(a) The Symbols of this Chapter are manifested only by the Angels, or by the Guardian Angel.
(b) MAGOTH alone executes the Operations of this Chapter.
(c) The Familiar Spirits cannot execute the Operations of this Chapter.
(d) Many ancient Books of Magic, etc., have been lost or destroyed, in some cases by the wish of the Good Spirits, in others by the machinations of the Evil Spirits. By these Symbols you can have many supposed extinct works brought to you, Abraham states; but adds that he could never copy them, because the writing dis-appeared as fast as he wrote it; notwithstanding this he was permitted to read some of them.